The following is a transcript of my statement made at the public meeting of Council on Tuesday 30th April 2024:

"I rise to inform the community that since the last public meeting of this Council I have resigned as a member of the Australian Greens Victoria.

I have always been open about my party membership and affiliation and my statement today is a continuation of that commitment to my community.

I was a member of the Victorian Greens for 20 years. Over a period of 16 years I was democratically selected to represent the Party as a candidate for public office at three state and three federal elections, and endorsed at four consecutive local government elections. Local members endorsed me for a fifth time last year to contest the Monash Council elections due in October, and I apologise to those members who once again gave me their confidence that, though I will continue to represent them, I will not do so as a Green.

For many years I have been exceptionally proud to contribute to a political culture which was, truly, different from everything else on offer in the Australian political landscape. No longer. The Party I know today offers precious little humility, introspection or generosity of spirit.

The good it represents is best demonstrated in its pillars, pillars which I continue to hold dear – ecological sustainability, grassroots democracy, social justice, peace and non-violence. But that good has been eclipsed by a rapidly growing list of critical governance failures, an alarming lack of self-awareness, a growing anti-intellectual tendency, and a myopic preoccupation with faux-progressive conformity.

Many good people have left, but I am sad to leave behind many more members right across Victoria who exemplify the very best of humanity. I thank them for their comradeship, their service, their compassion and their leadership. I can only hope that things improve and that these wonderful people can once again feel the pride in their membership which I used to feel.

I have not made this decision lightly. Over many years I have made every effort to ensure that the Party was as much the Party I thought it had the potential to be as possible. Sadly, both for the planet and for me personally, I no longer see that potential. That is why I have chosen to resign. I do not intend to make any further statements on the matter.

I will now represent that community, my community, the thousands of people who have supported me over many years, as a progressive, independent voice in this chamber.

I was born right here in Monash. I have chosen to live here for the best part of my life. I am here because I love it, and I am in this chamber because I want to contribute to its present and its future. Thank you."
